DOLE issues 2018 Edition of Handbook on Workers' Statutory Monetary Benefits

"The Department of Labor and Employment is pleased to release the 2018 Edition of Handbook on Workers’ Statutory Monetary Benefits covering updates on labor standards and developments on labor rules and regulations.
We continue to envision this Handbook not only as a reliable tool in bringing awareness on labor laws and regulations but also to serve as effective guide of employees, employers, as well as students, practitioners and the general public. This Handbook forms part of our dynamic and further strengthened enforcement activities under the Revised Rules in the administration and enforcement of labor laws pursuant to the visitorial power of the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
We commit to be steadfast in addressing violations of labor law s while remaining strict yet equitable. Also, we aim to educate our clients and encourage them to develop a culture of voluntary compliance with labor laws in their respective workplaces. In this edition, we updated the detailed illustration and sample w age computations using the minimum wage rates prescribed in the most recent Wage Orders.
For easy reference, we incorporated the latest summary of current regional daily minimum wage rates. We also added Republic Act No. 10966 declaring December 8 (Feast o f Immaculate Concepcion of Mary) as Special Non-Working Day. Moreover, we clarified herein that distribution of collected Service Charges of establishments covers not only the employees of the principal but also deployed workers of contractors and subcontractors pursuant to Labor Advisory No. 13, Series of 2015. An equally important new item is the incorporation of the new minimum wage rates prescribed through the Wage Orders issued by the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board for domestic workers raising the minimum wage in National Capital Region from Php2,500.00 to Php3,500.00; Php2,500.00 to Php4,000.00 for those employed in chartered cities and first-class municipalities; and Php1,800.00 to Php3,000.00 for those in other municipalities.
We sincerely offer this humble work to our clients with the hope that we stay true to our mandate of promoting full, decent and productive employment opportunities to all Filipino workers in the country."
Department of Labor and Employment
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