The Law and Best Practices on Privacy Compliance in Employment (1)
Tue, Feb 12
|Dynasty Hall, 4th Floor, Aberdeen Court
Join our Monthly Monday Club, our group legal coaching sessions, held once a month but always on a Monday. January's Theme: "The Law and Best Practices on Privacy Compliance in Employment" Price: PhP1,120.00 (Half-Day Session) Discounts and promos are available. Read on for details...

Date, Time & Location
Feb 12, 2019, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Dynasty Hall, 4th Floor, Aberdeen Court, Aberdeen Court, Quezon Ave, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
About The Event
“2019 Monthly Monday Club”
Group Legal Coaching Sessions
Terms of Reference
(As of December 12, 2018)
Frequency: Monthly (and always on a Monday)
Half-Day Session: 12noon to 5:30pm (with at least 4 hours of training)
Whole-Day Session: 8:30am to 6:00pm (with at least 8 hours of training)
Venue: Aberdeen Court, Great Eastern Hotel, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City
Schedule of Sessions and (Tentative) Themes:
- January 14, 2019 - Half-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Privacy Compliance in Employment
- February 11, 2019 - Half-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Taxation in Employment
- March 11, 2019 - Whole-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Hiring Employees and Independent Contractors
- April 1, 2019 - Half-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Occupational Safety and Health Standards Compliance
- May 6, 2019 - Half-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Outsourcing Jobs and Services
- June 17, 2019 - Whole-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Wages and Labor Standard Benefits Compliance
- July 8, 2019 - Half-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Training and Probationary Employment
- August 5, 2019 - Half-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Resignation and Retirement from Employment
- September 16, 2019 - Whole-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Employee Discipline and Termination
- October 21, 2019 - Half-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Anti-Sexual Harassment and Drug-Free Workplace
- November 11, 2019 - Half-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Employee Performance Management
- December 2, 2019 - Whole-Day - The Law and Best Practices on Temporary and Permanent Layoff from Employment
- Each session shall have a theme. Example: Privacy Law. Please see Schedule above for list of (tentative) themes in 2019.
- The main theme for 2019, however, shall be: “Labor Law Made Easy” and “Business Law Made Easy.”
- Registration shall primarily be through an online system (www.paladinslaw.org/events) although registration via email, call and text shall also be available.
- Prior to the sessions, each registered participant shall be requested by the legal coaches and staff to submit via email their questions, comments and clarifications, as well as their expectations, in relation to the session theme.
- Matters relating to the theme shall be facilitated and exhausted first during the session until the participants are fully satisfied.
- Legal coaches shall give mandatory presentations about the theme, focusing on the questions, comments, clarifications, and expectations received via email from the registered participants.
- The total length of the presentations shall be from 30 minutes to 2 hours maximum in a half-day session, and from 1 hour to 4 hours maximum in a whole-day session. This is to have more time for the open forum, group exercises and interactive activities.
- After the presentations, the floor shall be opened for live questions, comments, and clarifications from the Group, which is composed of participants, including the legal coaches and staff.
- After matters pertaining to the theme have been fully exhausted, and everyone is satisfied, other matters may be brought up and discussed in a live forum.
- Such "other matters" are off-theme topics that may include labor law in general, commercial and corporate law, business and property registrations, licenses, contracts, policies, best practices, and other issues or concerns, as well as potential or ongoing legal disputes for group learning and consultation.
- When the theme and other matters have been exhausted, and there is still time, the legal coaches may give optional presentations about landmark or recent decisions of the Supreme Court in the fields of business law and labor law, or about recent laws, rules and regulations pertaining to business and employment.
- During the session, the participants shall be asked to introduce themselves and their companies to the Group. The legal coaches and staff shall introduce themselves as well.
- There will be activities to break the ice, as well as the monotony. The participants and the legal coaches and staff will be encouraged to network and get acquainted with each other.
- The Group will also be encouraged to form or join an online chat group for feedback, followup coaching and networking activities.
Pricing and discounts:
- Half-day session: PhP1,120.00 per ticket; Whole-day session: PhP2,240.00 per ticket, for as long as the venue is at Aberdeen Court, Great Eastern Hotel, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City. Prices are VAT inclusive.
- Prices may increase depending on the venue and menu. Better venue and menu shall result to higher prices.
- Annual (12 months), Semi-Annual (6 months) and Quarterly (3 months) tickets are available at 15%, 10% and 5% discounts, respectively.
- Tickets are transferrable. However, unused tickets cannot be used in subsequent sessions.
- Clients of Sangalang & Gaerlan, Business Lawyers with subsisting Retainer Agreements, and current on their payments, shall be given registration priority and preferential rates. Please email us through: contact@paladinslaw.org for details.
- Certificates of Attendance (with the corresponding number of hours of training) shall be issued to the participants in PDF form with control and contact number for verification and authentication.
- PDF copies of the presentations and handouts are also included in the aforementioned price.
- Requests for the printing and/or delivery of certificates, presentations and handouts may be accommodated but for a reasonable fee.
- Lunch, afternoon snacks, and bottomless coffee are also included.
- Morning snacks are included in the whole-day sessions.
Legal Coaching:
- The lawyers of Sangalang & Gaerlan, Business Lawyers shall be the legal coaches for the sessions. The head coach shall be Atty. Apollo X.C. S. Sangalang. The staff of the law firm shall act as staff for the sessions.
- At least one of the legal coaches shall give a mandatory presentation per session based on the theme.
- Note that the mandatory presentation shall only be from 30 minutes to 2 hours maximum in a half-day session, and from 1 hour to 4 hours maximum in a whole-day session. This is to have more time for the open forum and interactive group activities.
- All legal coaches will be preparing optional presentations pertaining to recent or important laws, rules and regulations, and Supreme Court decisions. However, these presentations are in the nature of backup only. They will be called upon in case the theme and other matters have already been exhausted and there is still time left in the session. These presentations may be part of the handouts even if not actually presented.
- Legal coaches may also be writing essays or articles as part of the handouts.
Special and Exclusive Sessions:
For special and exclusive sessions, please send your request via email to: contact@paladinslaw.org
CPD and MCLE Credits:
- There are no approved CPD or MCLE credits for these sessions as of date.
- However, interested participants shall be provided with Certificates of Attendance and other supporting documents for their applications for CPD units accreditation under the self-directed or life-long learning modality as per CPD Advisory dated January 29, 2018.
Intensive Labor Law Relations Course:
- There will also be a 10-week Intensive Legal Coaching Course on Labor Law Relations, with 1-whole day of legal coaching session per week (Saturdays), weekly reading assignments, practical exercises and diagnostic examinations for the entire duration of the entire training program, coordinated by an online chat group.
- Introductory Price: PhP25,000.00 per participant (VAT not yet included) with maximum of thirty (30) participants per class.
- Tentative Venue: Aberdeen Court, Great Eastern Hotel, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City.
- Schedule: May 4, 2019 (Saturday) to July 6, 2019 (Saturday).
- Registration is currently ongoing. Send email to contact@paladinslaw.org if interested.
₱1,120.00Sale ended